SigintOS: A Linux Distro for Signal Intelligence

Recently we've heard of a new Linux distribution called SigintOS becoming available for download. SigintOS is an Ubuntu based distribution with a number of built in signal intelligence applications for software defined radios such as RTL-SDRs and other TX capable SDRs like the HackRF, bladeRF and USRP radios.

The distro appears to be very well executed, with a built in GUI that grants easy access to the some common sigint tools like an FM and GPS transmitter, a jammer, a GSM base station search tool and an IMSI catcher. SigintOS also has various other preinstalled programs such as GNU Radio, gr-gsm, YatesBTS, wireshark and GQRX.

The OS also teases an LTE search and LTE decoder which to access requires that you get in contact with the creators, presumably for a licencing fee. Regarding an LTE IMSI catcher they write:

LTE IMSI Catcher is not myth!

Due to the nature of LTE base stations, the capture of IMSI numbers seems impossible. LTE stations use GUTI to communicate with users instead of IMSI. The GUTI contains the temporary IMSI number called T-IMSI. This allows the operator to find out who is at the corresponding LTE station who is authorized to query T-IMSI information.

Can the GUTI number be found?
Answer Yes!

How to find GUTI and T-IMSI numbers?
Can be found with the help of SigintOS …

For detailed information [email protected]

The image comes as a 2GB ISO file, and it's possible to run it in WMWare or VirtualBox.

SigintOS IMSI Catcher
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This is no longer available for download?
Website seems to be down


Whas not fully functional.

Abhishek Sharma

If you are facing any errors while installation SigintOS in VMmware/VirtualBox please refer the below video:


Install works fine as long as you follow the instructions on the website. omit uninstall and reinstall of ubiquity though. Also updating seems to break a lot of things. Never got the gsm scanner gui to do anything, but gr-gsm is installed, and can be ran from the terminal.


To install you can follow above steps, but omit the first 2 where you uninstall and reinstall ubiquity. after this you should be able to boot to a login screen, but the password is unknown. reboot using the live cd and change the root password by following this tutorial:
then reboot and log in as root. from there you can change the SigintOS user password in settings.

I also noticed that updates are broken. To fix this open a terminal and type: sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys 22C627172ECB91FE

Then type: sudo apt-get update.


default password is “sigintos”


GSM Basestation not work, IMSI not work
airspy not recognized, only RTL-SDR


anyone get this to install to disk as a vmware vm. as others noted runs live ok via vmware but it errored out when doing install from its boot menu. i saw this on his website:

though don’t think that will help to install as vm?


after a few months i came back and revisited the install. i got it to install finally after watching the youtube video mentioned. as others noted, updating system breaks some things. i am able to use my rtl-sdr and hackrf with gnu radio. i’ll try the keyserver update above. but with all this trouble (most ppl) seem to have with this distro, i’m inclined to install these sigint tools in a parrotlinux vm that parrotlinux doesn’t already have and see how that goes.

kishore M

It is not Detecting RTL-SDR and Bladerf ….and LTE Scanner Patch is also not available.


Had as much luck getting this installed as Skywave. Live works but installer crashes. Tried both live and direct installers.


Pulse audio issue with the hardware by chance like is known with Skywave (not sure the later distros)?


Tried it myself used in vm .
gsm search gui doesnt work ,with line grgsm_scanner in terminal it works as reported.
Imsi catcher works ,gqrx works sdrangel works ,also wireshark and gnuradio.
wxtoimg have not tried it.
I think its a great tool they have made.
Hopefully they go on and perhaps they put more tools in it like tetra or dect ,that would be great.


GSM not working and the author is not responding


I keep getting errors when trying to install to vm, but the live ver works well

James Finch

Does Kali Linux contain most of these tools? I haven’t looked in about 2 years. Seems a majority… though I didn’t really get into. Somewhat like Skywave and Andy’s Linux too with some additional custom tools.

Wonder what an itemized list of applications of the different versions of Linux noted in the comments looks like?


try parrot-os… some rtl sdr tools preinstalled.


It’a a fake or some kind of joke. 🙁


Just tried this distro and nothing found on the gsm base station search

TI clandestiny

I have it and fooled around for several hours on a few occasions and my final conclusion is that it’s low hanging fruit, a bait OS put out by some intel org to catch all those interested in such tools. A squirrel magnet if you will. .


Not working for GSM Search,FM transmitter and others… . (I I tried the BladeRF and the RTL-SDR)

James Finch

Interesting paper with GSM free references:


Pentoo is another distro focused on wireless communications and sdrs:


Nice! However I think PlutoSDR support is must have (I’d volunteer to test it if the author doesn’t have PlutoSDR).


Same applies to LimeSDR