SDRSharp Community Plugin Package Now Available

The SDR# developer in conjunction with Rodrigo Pérez have recently endorsed and released a "community plugin package" over on the SDR# downloads page. This consists of a SDR# installer that automatically downloads and installs a whole plethora of SDR# plugins.

In addition to the plugins it also automatically installs the RTL-SDR drivers, and the RTL-SDR (R820T) special interface which has the ability to use decimation and has individual controls for each of the three gain stages. You can also use it to automatically install the LimeSDR and PlutoSDR interfaces.

The .exe is a simple installer and you can select what plugins you want during the install. The installer automatically puts the SDRSharp folder in the C: drive.

SDRSharp Community Plugin Package
SDRSharp Community Plugin Package

The plugins included are:

  • Base Windows SDR Software Package (same as above)
  • Plugin Audio Processor
  • Plugin Audio Recorder
  • Plugin AUX VFO
  • Plugin Avia band 8.33 calculator
  • Plugin Baseband Recorder
  • Plugin Calico CAT
  • Plugin CTCSS decoder squelch
  • Plugin DCS decoder squelch
  • Plugin DDE Tracker
  • Plugin Digital Audio Processor
  • Plugin DSDtcp
  • Plugin File Player
  • Plugin Frequency Lock
  • Plugin Frequency Manager
  • Plugin Frequency Scanner
  • Plugin Gpredict Connector
  • Plugin IF Processor
  • Plugin IF Recorder
  • Plugin Level Meter
  • Plugin LimeSDR
  • Plugin Meteor Demodulator
  • Plugin MPX Output
  • Plugin PAL/Secam TV
  • Plugin Pluto SDR
  • Plugin RTL-SDR 820T
  • Plugin SDRSharp Net Remote
  • Plugin Time Shift
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It is now removed from airspy site, even before it partially worked, some plugins fail to install/download because original sites are down. SDR# is evolving and I dont think that many of those plugins are not working with new version of SDR#
Maybe someone could pack it again?
Yes previous versions had audio filter turned on by default, it was confusing for me too.


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I was running just plain SDR# then installed this one and it killed my audio quality and I can’t figure out why. Like regular local FM stations sound mono or something. Tho it is in stereo. I’m nuking everything out and reinstalling the vanilla to see if i can get back to where I was.
NOTE: this was without any plugins enabled. It was just right off the bat very noticeable.


update. so i uninstalled. deleted sdrsharp folder. ran ccleaner to get rid of registry links. reinstalled just the basic sdr sharp install package, and my FM radio stations are back to sounding great. So I’m not sure what the community installer does but its a shame! anyone have any advice?


I just had the same issue. Uninstalled, but didn’t worry about the registry. It was fine after reinstalling the regular install.

Brian B

I had the same problem with the strange sounding “filtered” audio.
To fix the audio, open the AUDIO PROCESSOR PLUGIN, and uncheck the Bandpass Filter option.
On initial install, this was checked with the values for Low at 300, and Hi at 3500. With the Bandpass Filter enabled, your audio signal will have everything below 300hz and everything above 3500khz “clipped” out, making your audio sound terrible! Uncheck the Bandpass filter to restore your audio to Normal.


Can anyone share all plugins on some mirror? Russian is not available now

Maciej Życiński

Nered help in installation of Level Meter plug in in SADR Sharp radio on WIN 10 Pro.
Several attempts and to follow YT Tutorial (excellent) produced no results. The LM is not there.
I am using ltes verson Studio V 1.0.0. 1854 Jan. 2022. The recent LM verson tested in 2017 it might be a reason?
Any help will be much appreciated.


SDR# community plugin package does not seem to install and stops with the following message “ScytaleC: Error downloading file. Installation aborted. File not found (404),”

Any ideas how to get past this?


hello, I installed it but it doesn’t work, the system launches it but then nothing appears, I use windows 7 32 bit.

Chris Riha

Is there a plugin to use the RTL-SDR unit in the digital TV frequency range?


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Im getting an install failure at Zadig. I get a send request error. OS Win7, anyone shed any light?
Thanks very much


Is there any way to install those plugins on linux?


If I attempt to run SDRSharp from the shortcut on the Windows Start menu (to “C:\Apps\SDRSharp\bin\SDRSharp.exe” and has its starting directory set to “C:\Apps\SDRSharp\plugins\NetRemote”), it only shows the 13 builtin plugins on the menu. If, instead, I run it from Explorer by double-clicking on SDRSharp.exe in C:\Apps\SDRSharp\bin (which sets that as its starting directory), I get the original 13 plus another 30 plugins. There was no change to the Plugins.xml in that directory, which only has the sample key in it. Does SDRSharp search ..\plugins for the DLLs now instead of requiring manual configuration, or is there something else going on?


There are the following issues with the version I downloaded yesterday, 2021-02-28Z: In the SDRSharp folder it creates in the Windows Start menu, the following shortcuts have issues (my install dir is C:\Apps\SDRSharp):

1. “Plugins List” pointed to C:\Apps\SDRSharp\bin\plugins-list\index.html . The “\bin” needs to be removed.

2. “SpectrumSpy” points to C:\Apps\SDRSharp\bin\SDRSharp.exe , just like “SDRSharp”. Is this a missing tool or are there parameters missing?

3. “SpyServer” points to C:\Apps\SDRSharp\bin\SpyServer.exe , which does not exist.

4. Similarly, “ADSBSpy”, “AirSpyCalibrate”, and “AstroSpy” point to non-existent programs.

Jordan Quinn Mckenzie

the latest version is essentially impossible to use, there is no fast way to use the plugins, youre stuck waiting for it to scroll through 20-30 plugins before you get the one you want.

Michael Renner

There is no PlutoSDR Plugin (nor a PlutoSDR.dll nor a SDRSharp.PlutoSDR.dll) with Version The PlutoSDR is mentioned in the License Text, but it is not in the list of installable plugins with the installation procedure.

I found this “Plugin Manager Suite”, but this exit with an exception: Could not load file or assembly “SDRSharp. Version”.

It seems to me that this version is broken, right?

Ian Hatton

how do you save your settings step size etc, they reset each time I quite the software
thanks Ian


Could you ask the author of the installer if there is a way to allow someone to choose the directory to install the software in. Many of us would rather not put it in the root directory. Some have very specific places that we install certain types of software in.

Thank you.



The package works fine for me, no crash so far.
A quick question about R820T driver with decimation – I got the idea behind oversampling/decimation, but output is not as expected.
Driver works fine for 0-decimation. FM radio – 19k RDS tone is where it supposed to be (MPX spectrum). FM sound is normal.
With 2x decimation, things start to get weired, tone is shifted to low frequencies and the 19k tone is now visible at 9.5k
4x-decimation looks actually similar as 2x – the 19k tone is still located at 9,5k, but sound even more muffled.
With 8x decimation the tone gets shifted to 2.4k (I guess 19/8), getting impossible to listen any sound/music.
And: the width of the visible main spectrum (“pyramid” ▲) looks always pretty much the same – I was expecting to get “zoomed in”, just the frequency axis get stretched.
To get the “listen” bandwith next to the “pyramid” it needs to be lowered (f.e. to 20.000 at 8x, with 0x was 200.000) but sound is gone anyway.
Do I have to change another settings to get output/sound with decimation back to normal?
I expect that sound output for NOAA / ISS SSTV is not working well with decimation feature, or?
What about digital signal? Decoding is working normally with decimation enabled in R820T driver?
Thank you very much for help!
(I sent the question already to team, but no reply yet)


We continued the discussion about the decimation issue on reddit:
Seems to be a sample rate mismatch between SDR# and R820T driver.

Colin 2E0YRT

I had the same problem. Kept crashing. I solved it by deleting these plugins I had not heard of: FrequencyLock / mpx / tv /calico / fft grabber / gpredictconnector / magiceye / net remote / omnigrig sync / snr logger. Dont know which one was causing the problem though


I figured it out! In the plugin.xml file, I commented out this line and it starts perfectly!
<!– –>


I figured it out! In the plugin.xml file, I commented out this line for the Net Remote plugin and it starts perfectly!
Comment out like this
This is the line.
add key=”Net Remote” value=”SDRSharp.NetRemote.NetRemotePlugin,SDRSharp.NetRemote”


I installed it, but every time I go to open it, I can see the sdrsharp interface, then it crashes and closes. Anyone else have this issue?


Got the same problem. Did you find a solution?


I commented on their forums, but nothing back yet about the crashing


This is legit cool. SDR# is growing up!


Is this package idiot proof and workable on HackRF?


Thanks, work fine


Please give the direct link to SDRSharp-installer.exe

Vitaliy not work for me =(


no problem here , download and install worked

Steve K2GOG of HVDN

Yep, worked here perfect for me. This was so timely as I absolutely hate having to repopulate my plugin files or move things over each time I upgrade to latest SDR#. Nicely done and curated list of plugins!!


Me too. It crashes 10s after opening. Any ideas guys?


I figured it out! In the plugin.xml file, I commented out the line for the Net Remote plugin and it starts perfectly!
Comment out the line like you would HTML
This is the line.
add key=”Net Remote” value=”SDRSharp.NetRemote.NetRemotePlugin,SDRSharp.NetRemote”


Not available from Russia. Use vpn.