Tagged: arduino

Cloning A Garage Key with RTL-SDR, Universal Radio Hacker and an Arduino

Over on YouTube Adam Łoboda has uploaded a video showing the full steps that he's taken to reverse engineer and clone a wireless garage door key using an RTL-SDR and Arduino.

He starts by using the Universal Radio Hacker software to record a copy of the wireless signal generated by the garage key. Using the software he can then analyze the signal, and determine the preamble data, payload data and pulse width which he can then input into some Arduino code. The Arduino can then generate an identical signal, and transmit it via a cheap FS1000A 433 MHz RF module. Finally, at the end of the video Adam shows the cloned Arduino based garage key working as expected. 

hacking & clonning my garage key with URH ( Universal radio Hacker ) and ARDUINO DIGISPARK + FS1000A

TechMinds: Hands on with the Elektor SDR Arduino Shield Learning Kit

The Elektor SDR Hands-On-Kit is a low cost (€49.46) SDR learning package that makes use of the Elektor SDR Arduino shield which turns an Arduino microcontroller board into a 150 kHz to 30 MHz capable SDR receiver. It also comes with a book that teaches several basic SDR concepts.

Over on YouTube TechMinds has recently uploaded a video where he unboxes, constructs, and tests the kit using the free G8JCFSDR SDR software. TechMinds also notes that this SDR Shield can also transmit with 10mW of power, and that there is a tutorial included in the book that shows how to use the shield as a simple WSPR transmitter.

Elektor SDRShield - Hands-on Software Defined Radio Kit

Reverse Engineering and Controlling a Pan-Tilt Camera Servo with an RTL-SDR and Arduino

The ZIFON YT-500 is a pan-tilt tripod designed for mounting small cameras and smart phones. It also comes with an RF based 433 MHz wireless remote control that allows you to remotely control the positioning.

However, Konstantin Dorohov wanted to be able to control the camera positioning from his PC rather than through the remote control, so he set out to reverse engineer and clone the 433 MHz wireless control signal.

To do this he first used an RTL-SDR and SDR# to record the signals generated by each button press of the remote. He then opens the audio files in Audacity which allows him to inspect the signal's structure and determine some important information such as the preamble + payload timing and ON/OFF pattern. 

Knowing this information he was then able to use an Arduino with a 433 MHz transmitter connected to replicate the signal exactly. His post contains the sample code that he used.

Reverse Engineering the Pan/Tilt Servo with an RTL-SDR, and replicating the signal with an Arduino.
Reverse Engineering the Pan/Tilt Servo with an RTL-SDR, and replicating the signal with an Arduino.

Elektor SDR Hands-on Book + Arduino Shield HF SDR

Elektor is a popular electronics magazine and hobbyist kit store. Recently they have published a book titled "SDR Hands-on Book" written by Burkhard Kainka. The book is intended as a companion to their Arduino SDR shield kit, which is a low cost module that allows you to turn an Arduino into a 150 kHz to 30 MHz capable SDR. It is based on the G8JCFSDR, which is an RF front end downconverter that allows a PC soundcard to be used as an SDR analog to digital converter.

Kainka's book goes over introductory topics such as shortwave reception, explains signal to noise ratio and interference, different types of antennas, software, digital modes, SDR measurements, receiving and finally WSPR and QRP transmission. If you're interested Jan Buiting also recently reviewed the book on the Elektor website.

Elektor are currently running a promotion and are selling the book + Arduino shield for a reduced price of €49.90.

The Elektor Arduino Shield HF SDR Kit.
The Elektor Arduino Shield HF SDR Kit.