Tagged: DMR

Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 7 – Trunk DMR & NXDN digital with DSDPlus and One RTL-SDR

In this episode of Frugal Radio's ongoing SDR guide videos Rob demonstrates how you can use an RTL-SDR with DSDPlus to monitor DMR and NXDN digital voice radio communications. Rob writes:

With a simple Software Defined Radio (SDR) and some free or frugal software, you can monitor digital radio systems like DMR and NXDN in your area.

his video is a demonstration of how I set up DSDPlus to monitor DMR and NXDN networks, and shows how to modify the various files that help the software trunk track the system with your SDR.

More details with links to the software (DSDPlus) and hardware (1 x RTL-SDR v3) I used in this video can be found at https://frugalradio.com/monitor-dmr

f you are unsure about how trunking systems work, I suggest watching the overview at the beginning of Episode 6 - https://youtu.be/zuUTXHbUvpw

2020 SDR Guide Ep 7 : Trunk DMR & NXDN digital with DSDPlus and 1 RTL-SDR

Simple DMR Plugin for SDR# Now Available

Vasili from rtl-sdr.ru has recently released a simple DMR decoder plugin for SDR# to go along with his simple dPMR and TETRA decoders that we posted about earlier.

Simple DMR decoder. No external dependencies, no settings, uses SDR # audio path. Designed for listening to unencrypted DMR channels. The voice from both slots is mixed into one channel.

To install the plugin simply copy the dll's from the zip file into the SDR# folder, then copy the line from the magline.txt text file into the plugins.xml file which can be opened with any text editor.

Simple DMR Decoder Plugin for SDR#

TechMinds: OpenWebRX Feature Overview And Raspberry Pi Setup

Over on YouTube TechMinds has posted his latest video which shows an overview of the features available in OpenWebRX, and also how to set it up on a Raspberry Pi. OpenWebRX is software which allows you to access your SDR remotely via the internet or local network through a web browser. All major SDRs are supported including RTL-SDRs. The software includes a waterfall display, all the standard demodulators, as well as several digital decoders for DMR, YSF, NXDN, D-Star, POCSAG, APRS, FT8, FT4, WSPR, JT65 and JT9.

In the video TechMinds first demonstrates OpenWebRX in action, showing reception of HF SSB amateur radio signals, decoding FT8 and plotting received grids on a map, decoding and plotting APRS on a map and decoding YSF/DSTAR/DMR digital voice. After this demonstration he goes on to show how to set up the OpenWebRX server on a Raspberry Pi via the installation image.

OpenWebRX Feature Overview And Raspberry Pi Setup

Tech Minds: Testing the OpenEar DMR TETRA ADSB POCSAG Decoder for RTL-SDR

Back in March we posted about the release of OpenEar, a standalone TETRA decoder for the RTL-SDR. Since then OpenEar has undergone massive developments, not only improving upon the TETRA decoder, but adding DMR, ADS-B and POCSAG decoders as well as a waterfall display.

Recently Tech Minds reviewed this software on his YouTube channel. In the video he shows how to download the software, install the rtlsdr.dll file, and run and use the software. He then demonstrates reception of an amateur radio DMR repeater, reception of POCSAG pager messages and finally reception of ADS-B aircraft messages.

OpenEar Digital Decoder - DMR TETRA P25 ADSB POCSAG RTL-SDR

OpenEar Updated to Version 1.6

The RTL-SDR compatible multi-mode digital decoder OpenEar has recently been updated to version 1.6. The latest version currently supports the decoding of FM/AM, TETRA, DMR, Pocsag and ADS-B. New features include a zoomable waterfall and other GUI and functionality improvements. The changelog reads:

version 1.6.0
- saving last settings
- waterfall
- zoom on spectrum and waterfall with mouse wheel
- better list placement (pocsag & ads-b)
- wav(I/Q) loading (only 1024000 Sample/sec)
- voice volume & mute button
- spectrum range and offset
- rtl gain and correction (ppm)
- top menu
- frequency list
- some DMR improvement on SYNC detection
- solved center frequency issue (DC problem)
- and other few UI improvements

OpenEar Version 1.6
OpenEar Version 1.6

OpenEar Now Supports TETRA, DMR, POCSAG, ADS-B

Back in March we posted about "OpenEar" which was a newly released Windows TETRA decoder for RTL-SDR dongles. Back then the author "moneriomaa" noted that he planned to add several new modes. In the release that is currently available, OpenEar now supports TETRA, DMR, Pocsag, ADS-B as well as standard AM and NFM modes. We tested the software, and all modes appear to decode as advertised. In the future the author plans to add more modes such as MPT-1327 and AERO.

In the previous post we added an update noting that OpenEar appeared to be violating the GPL licence of OsmocomTETRA, and the author noted that he would remove the TETRA functionality until licencing was resolved. As TETRA decoding is back in the recent releases we assume these legal issues have been solved.

In the current release you also need to provide your own rtlsdr.dll file, which can be obtained from your SDR# folder, or directly from the Osmocom windows release (rename librtlsdr.dll to rtlsdr.dll).

Latest OpenEar Version
Latest OpenEar Version

DSDPlusUI: A Graphical User Interface for DSD+

Over on Twitter Annunaki (@StupotSinders) has been teasing some screenshots of a GUI for DSD+ that he's been developing over the past few weeks. And now he has released the software which is called "DSDPlusUI". DSD+ is mostly command line based, so a GUI could be useful for newbies. The software can be downloaded from the DSDPlusUI groups.io page.

DSD+ (aka Digital Speech Decoder) is a free closed source program that is compatible with RTL-SDR and various other SDRs which is used to decoder digital speech protocols such as P25 P1, DMR, NXDN and more. DSD+ Fastlane is a paid upgrade which allows subscribers to receive the latest updates to the software early. 

DSD+ GUI by Annunaki
DSD+ GUI by Annunaki

Radio Analyser: New Program for Plotting DSDPlus Statistics

Thank you to Matthew Cowley for submitting news about his new program called "Radio Analyser". Radio Analyser is a program that imports DSDPlus radio and group files into a postgresql database. The data can then graphed on the web interface allowing you to view talk group and radio statistics. DSDPlus is a program that can be used to listen in to digital P25, DMR and other digital voice protocols with an RTL-SDR or similar SDR.

Matthew writes the following, and some screenshots of the interface and graphs are shown in the slider and the end of the post:

I've been learning Ruby on Rails and as a first project I wrote a project that you host at home which imports the DSDPlus.radios and DSDPlus.groups files and displays their activity in graph form. It will show you total site activity, talk group activity and radio activity.

Frugal Radio: SDR Guide Ep 7 – Trunk DMR & NXDN digital with DSDPlus and One RTL-SDR

In this episode of Frugal Radio's ongoing SDR guide videos Rob demonstrates how you can use an RTL-SDR with DSDPlus to monitor DMR and NXDN digital voice radio communications. Rob writes:

With a simple Software Defined Radio (SDR) and some free or frugal software, you can monitor digital radio systems like DMR and NXDN in your area.

his video is a demonstration of how I set up DSDPlus to monitor DMR and NXDN networks, and shows how to modify the various files that help the software trunk track the system with your SDR.

More details with links to the software (DSDPlus) and hardware (1 x RTL-SDR v3) I used in this video can be found at https://frugalradio.com/monitor-dmr

f you are unsure about how trunking systems work, I suggest watching the overview at the beginning of Episode 6 - https://youtu.be/zuUTXHbUvpw

2020 SDR Guide Ep 7 : Trunk DMR & NXDN digital with DSDPlus and 1 RTL-SDR

Simple DMR Plugin for SDR# Now Available

Vasili from rtl-sdr.ru has recently released a simple DMR decoder plugin for SDR# to go along with his simple dPMR and TETRA decoders that we posted about earlier.

Simple DMR decoder. No external dependencies, no settings, uses SDR # audio path. Designed for listening to unencrypted DMR channels. The voice from both slots is mixed into one channel.

To install the plugin simply copy the dll's from the zip file into the SDR# folder, then copy the line from the magline.txt text file into the plugins.xml file which can be opened with any text editor.

Simple DMR Decoder Plugin for SDR#

TechMinds: OpenWebRX Feature Overview And Raspberry Pi Setup

Over on YouTube TechMinds has posted his latest video which shows an overview of the features available in OpenWebRX, and also how to set it up on a Raspberry Pi. OpenWebRX is software which allows you to access your SDR remotely via the internet or local network through a web browser. All major SDRs are supported including RTL-SDRs. The software includes a waterfall display, all the standard demodulators, as well as several digital decoders for DMR, YSF, NXDN, D-Star, POCSAG, APRS, FT8, FT4, WSPR, JT65 and JT9.

In the video TechMinds first demonstrates OpenWebRX in action, showing reception of HF SSB amateur radio signals, decoding FT8 and plotting received grids on a map, decoding and plotting APRS on a map and decoding YSF/DSTAR/DMR digital voice. After this demonstration he goes on to show how to set up the OpenWebRX server on a Raspberry Pi via the installation image.

OpenWebRX Feature Overview And Raspberry Pi Setup

Tech Minds: Testing the OpenEar DMR TETRA ADSB POCSAG Decoder for RTL-SDR

Back in March we posted about the release of OpenEar, a standalone TETRA decoder for the RTL-SDR. Since then OpenEar has undergone massive developments, not only improving upon the TETRA decoder, but adding DMR, ADS-B and POCSAG decoders as well as a waterfall display.

Recently Tech Minds reviewed this software on his YouTube channel. In the video he shows how to download the software, install the rtlsdr.dll file, and run and use the software. He then demonstrates reception of an amateur radio DMR repeater, reception of POCSAG pager messages and finally reception of ADS-B aircraft messages.

OpenEar Digital Decoder - DMR TETRA P25 ADSB POCSAG RTL-SDR

OpenEar Updated to Version 1.6

The RTL-SDR compatible multi-mode digital decoder OpenEar has recently been updated to version 1.6. The latest version currently supports the decoding of FM/AM, TETRA, DMR, Pocsag and ADS-B. New features include a zoomable waterfall and other GUI and functionality improvements. The changelog reads:

version 1.6.0
- saving last settings
- waterfall
- zoom on spectrum and waterfall with mouse wheel
- better list placement (pocsag & ads-b)
- wav(I/Q) loading (only 1024000 Sample/sec)
- voice volume & mute button
- spectrum range and offset
- rtl gain and correction (ppm)
- top menu
- frequency list
- some DMR improvement on SYNC detection
- solved center frequency issue (DC problem)
- and other few UI improvements

OpenEar Version 1.6
OpenEar Version 1.6

OpenEar Now Supports TETRA, DMR, POCSAG, ADS-B

Back in March we posted about "OpenEar" which was a newly released Windows TETRA decoder for RTL-SDR dongles. Back then the author "moneriomaa" noted that he planned to add several new modes. In the release that is currently available, OpenEar now supports TETRA, DMR, Pocsag, ADS-B as well as standard AM and NFM modes. We tested the software, and all modes appear to decode as advertised. In the future the author plans to add more modes such as MPT-1327 and AERO.

In the previous post we added an update noting that OpenEar appeared to be violating the GPL licence of OsmocomTETRA, and the author noted that he would remove the TETRA functionality until licencing was resolved. As TETRA decoding is back in the recent releases we assume these legal issues have been solved.

In the current release you also need to provide your own rtlsdr.dll file, which can be obtained from your SDR# folder, or directly from the Osmocom windows release (rename librtlsdr.dll to rtlsdr.dll).

Latest OpenEar Version
Latest OpenEar Version

DSDPlusUI: A Graphical User Interface for DSD+

Over on Twitter Annunaki (@StupotSinders) has been teasing some screenshots of a GUI for DSD+ that he's been developing over the past few weeks. And now he has released the software which is called "DSDPlusUI". DSD+ is mostly command line based, so a GUI could be useful for newbies. The software can be downloaded from the DSDPlusUI groups.io page.

DSD+ (aka Digital Speech Decoder) is a free closed source program that is compatible with RTL-SDR and various other SDRs which is used to decoder digital speech protocols such as P25 P1, DMR, NXDN and more. DSD+ Fastlane is a paid upgrade which allows subscribers to receive the latest updates to the software early. 

DSD+ GUI by Annunaki
DSD+ GUI by Annunaki

Radio Analyser: New Program for Plotting DSDPlus Statistics

Thank you to Matthew Cowley for submitting news about his new program called "Radio Analyser". Radio Analyser is a program that imports DSDPlus radio and group files into a postgresql database. The data can then graphed on the web interface allowing you to view talk group and radio statistics. DSDPlus is a program that can be used to listen in to digital P25, DMR and other digital voice protocols with an RTL-SDR or similar SDR.

Matthew writes the following, and some screenshots of the interface and graphs are shown in the slider and the end of the post:

I've been learning Ruby on Rails and as a first project I wrote a project that you host at home which imports the DSDPlus.radios and DSDPlus.groups files and displays their activity in graph form. It will show you total site activity, talk group activity and radio activity.